07/26/2024 admin

Now Lazio has taken the initiative to bother them, tear open their wounds and put salt in them!

Although the Corriere dello Sport is biased towards the Roma club, the media have always been unethical.
Milk is mother, money is uncle.
You can’t get along with anything, and you can’t get along with money.
Lazio fans pay for the whole dozen advertisements. If they pay, they naturally don’t care so much.
They don’t care what advertisements are advertised in Lazio, they just have to publish them.
So the mouthpiece of the Rome club, La Gazzetta dello Sport, made Lazio fans proud.
The sky blue background is a warm thankyou note.
In the letter, Lazio fans happily recalled the scene when Changsheng was so depressed that Sensi swept the door.
At that time … everyone laughed at him. The media asserted that he was not suitable for Italian students. We don’t know where he will go later. At this time, we must thank you, Mr. Sensi, President of the Rome Club, Mr. baldini, General Manager, and Mr. Totti. Oh, and don’t forget that the Roman fans will always push us forward when they are you!
Now, after two seasons of hard work, we have finally lifted the championship trophy with our own hands. At this carnival moment in this city, we can’t forget the biggest contributor to winning the championshipyour Rome Club! If you hadn’t given up and helped, we would never have got such an excellent head coach! I have to thank you! You gave us a chance to kiss the league championship trophy! Let’s sigh at your selfless and selfish spirit! You regard the lofty realm of the champion as dirt, which makes us sigh!
Lazio fans will always remember the great contributions made by Mr. Sensi, Mr. baldini, Mr. Totti and others in the rise of Lazio! I suggest that Lazio Club award them the title of permanent honorary member! Reward them for their hard work in undercover Rome club, and we Lazio will lift our contribution feat!
Finally, please allow me, on behalf of Lazio fans, to express my high respect and sincere thanks to the Rome Club! Lazio will remember everything you have done. Thank you! Thank you!
This thankyou letter is simply a stab in the heart of the Roman club with every sentence, word and punctuation.
Roman fans and their friends were stunned.
Because they didn’t expect Lazio to celebrate alone after winning the championship, it’s not enough to humiliate Rome in this way!
For a moment, Roman fans lostthey really didn’t know that they should respond to such a thankyou letter.
People really let go. They were happy when the club let go of the winning team.
I feel that the club can finally return to normal and get back on track.
I didn’t think it would become their nightmare.
Changsheng led Lazio stadium to beat them in Rome, and now Lazio fans will buy a whole one to advertise and laugh at them in Rome!
Changsheng also made a knife repair when interviewed by reporters on the same day.
I chose Lazio for this reason. I think since the Roma club thinks that the loser like me should get as far away as possible and blame me for the team’s unstable performance, I still think that I am not suitable for Italy and I can’t bring Rome well … then I will simply stay and continue to prove myself. At that time, several Serie A teams invited me, but I think Lazio 约茶资源 is the most suitable one. I can prove myself wrong in front of them.
Some media published what Chang Sheng said in an interview.
Proved that what Lazio fans said in their thankyou letters was correct.
This fact makes it even more difficult for Roman fans to accept that such an excellent head coach should belong to Rome!
If Roma have him, they may be in high spirits, not their bitter rivals Lazio, but themselves!
If Rome hadn’t given up on him, then the team that has two league titles in a row should be Rome!
If Rome hadn’t let him go, then maybe we wouldn’t have been beaten 17 by Manchester United’s old Trafford!
If he had stayed in Rome …
Some Roman fans even have such a regretful mentality.
It’s a pity that the world doesn’t sell regret medicine
So what if they regret it?
How can there be so many ifs in life?
They can’t turn back the clock and start over those things two years ago.

07/25/2024 admin

Jiayin frowned. Ling Chiyan, do you mean that Song Chenyang can’t find a job now, and the whole H city unit has banned him?

Ling Chiyan shook his head. Although he is perverse in doing things, he is not. He is not a person who has the courage to admit it. I said that I was watching Song Chenyang bully you. I was angry and ruined his company, but I did this thing and didn’t do anything else.
Jiayin nodded. I’m sure who else can look down on Song Chenyang and not give him a chance to live?
Lingchi Yan sank his eyes. It won’t be your Zhou Chuhan.
Good news immediately stared at Lingchi Yan. Don’t talk nonsense. Zhou Chuhan’s integrity is not a small move behind his back.
Ling Chiyan listened to the good news and maintained Zhou Chuhan’s heart. Good news, how do you speak? Zhou Chuhan, I am a treacherous villain, right?
Jiayin sipped her mouth and said nothing, but she didn’t speak, which was tantamount to acquiescence to Ling Chiyan’s statement.
Ling Chi Yan didn’t say Well, then you can worship Zhou Chuhan blindly, but don’t blame me for not waking up. What you see in your eyes is not necessarily true. The simplest example: If Zhou Chuhan is honest and upright, when you first went to the wrong room, he will not say everything, but will show off? Hum childish
Good news eyelid sobbed … Zhou Chuhan logical conclusion that is when I charm double
Ling Chiyan glanced at Jiayin from ponytail, cotton shirt, cropped jeans and canvas shoes and then deliberately hummed, Why didn’t I see the charm?
That’s your blindness. Good news threw four words angrily and got up and left.
The door was so big that it was full of smiles. What an angry little girl. Although I said that she was not attractive, that sentence was against my will, but Zhou Chuhan’s words were really good news. If you don’t believe it, we’ll see. I don’t believe Zhou Chuhan can pretend to be a generation of good men and women in front of you.
Good news to go back to the villa halfway up the mountain and still angry, you shouldn’t have gone to see Ling Chiyan. The whole thing is to provoke dissension and maliciously slander Zhou Chuhan. Aren’t you kind enough to separate me from Zhou Chuhan? Hum, no way
We are stronger than gold!
But the good news calmed down and thought that since Ling Chiyan said that he didn’t do revenge on Song Chenyang, he didn’t believe that Zhou Chuhan did it. Was it Han Dongyu? By the way, it seems that I haven’t seen Han Dongyu for a long time. I haven’t continued to live in his room or said hello. Why don’t you give him a call?
Jiayin prone on the bed and took out his mobile phone, which made him even more guilty. The mobile phone was bought by Han Dongyu.
Turn out the number and press the past. There rang one … two … three …
No one answered.
After more than ten years, the good news hung up and began to think. I don’t know if Han Dongyu is very busy. I don’t know if my mobile phone isn’t around, and I don’t know if I have found out that I am deliberately not answering with Zhou Chuhan now.
Anyway, there are many reasons for not answering the phone. I feel guilty that the last one is very likely. After all, Zhou Chuhan and Han Dongyu are brothers and have dinner together, but they are always suspected of being in favor of Zhou Chuhan.
2 vinegar fires fly.
Zhou Chuhan really won’t come back tonight
Good news waited until ten o’clock, and the lights started to sleep. Just closed your eyes, the cell phone at the bedside rang, and the good news was that you were a little worried and didn’t come back, and you knew to make a call.
As a result, I took the words and saw that it was not Zhou Chuhan who opened it, but Han Dongyu!
Good news quickly press the answer hello Han Dongyu
Han Dongyu paused over there and said, Well, you called me before, and my mobile phone was set to silent mode at the meeting. I just returned to the hotel to see that you missed it.
I see
Jiayin put her heart back and smiled. If you don’t explain, I know you are busy. If you don’t answer the phone, you must be busy with important work.
So … why did you call me? Han Dongyu asked.
Good news scratched his head. Did you talk to Han Dongyu? If you want to ask questions and don’t know how to speak, you can’t just say that you dealt with Song Chenyang. In case people say no, it seems that you wronged a good person and thought others mean.
As soon as I turn my eyes, I suddenly think of a string of digital good news, which really requires me to admire my cleverness and quick response.
Ha ha, I’m calling to say happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday? Han Dongyu suspicious 1 just suddenly a you don’t say I forgot it was my birthday
Jiayin smiled and bent his eyebrows. Well, you remember telling me when you gave me the bank card. The password is your birthday on the 12th. When I saw it, it was the 12th of the month, so I thought of saying a happy birthday to you.
Thank you, thank you for remembering your birthday. Han Dongyu was very happy.
Section 24
I must remember that I stayed in your room and paid you back, and you helped me so many times. If I don’t even remember your birthday, then I’m not an ungrateful villain?
Han Dongyu couldn’t help laughing. So that’s it. I can go back to H city early in the morning when I finish my work here. When I get back, I’ll invite you to dinner at noon.
Good good news happily agreed.
After hanging up, Jiayin secretly breathed a sigh of relief and tried to put his mobile phone on the bedside and opened his mouth. Ah! Shout out one
Zhou Chuhan’s bed rest quietly in the dim moonlight is like a ghost
The good news is that Zhou Chuhan reached out and turned on the bedside 夜网论坛 lamp and patted his small chest. You scared me to death! Why didn’t you come back with any sound!
Zhou Chuhan’s face is still dim, but he can see the outline but can’t see the specific expression. He turned his back and began to take off his coat while taking it off. When I came back to open the door, how could there be no sound? You were so fascinated that you ignored it.
Good news Zhou Chuhan’s tone of voice seems to be not very good. Are you so fascinated by your speech just now? I didn’t even find Zhou Chuhan back!
Open the whole light in the bedroom that has been jumped out of bed. It’s rare to be diligent to hang Zhou Chuhan’s coat in the closet and return it to Zhou Chuhan to unbutton his shirt. His hands are busy and his mouth is sweet. Who neglected you? I will return you tonight.
Zhou Chuhan looks like a smelly uncle when he sees someone undressing himself.
I didn’t come back until midnight to chat with other men?
Good news smelling the room full of sour could not help but laugh hear me call Han Dongyu? Jealous?
Zhou Chuhan haughtily sneered, Will Zhou Chuhan be jealous of Han Dongyu?
You’re not jealous. Why are you so sour? Good news speaks with a bad hand. Zhou Chuhan grabbed his chest tightly.

07/24/2024 admin

Qiao Chengyan waited for a while and there was no news. He was planning to take a shower and sleep when the door rang. When Qiao Chengyan opened the door, he saw Du Gujue smiling in front of her door.

You teleport again. Didn’t you say that teleport will consume your spiritual power? Qiao Chengyan zheng heart although joy but mouth still can’t help but blame a way
You said that if you miss me, I just can’t wait to appear in front of you! Du Gujue said softly that his eyes are as bright as the stars in the sky.
Qiao Shengyan smiled gently. She looked at the beautiful night outside and whispered, I want to go out and see the stars!
Good! Du Gujue holds Qiao Chengyan’s hand and two people walk to the balcony on the top floor of the villa. Two people sit on the bay window sill and one person looks at the beautiful night outside while talking without a word.
I don’t know how long it took Qiao Chengyan to get sleepy and tired. She turned around naturally and leaned back in the arms of Dugu Guai and slowly closed her eyes.
Dugujue just held Qiao Chengyan and looked at the horizon, feeling the heartbeat of the woman in her arms and sitting all the time.
Section 26
The cool and beautiful moonlight brings the two of them together, and the silhouette is beautiful, which is very romantic and warm.
Early the next morning, Qiao Shengyan, 夜生活网 a lonely family, made breakfast with Ma Dudu.
Oh, what are you, Dugu Ying Emperor? Ma Dudu was the first to run upstairs when he smelled the fragrance, and shouted in surprise at the sight of Dugu Jue table food.
What about Yan Yan? Du Gujue looked at his love with satisfaction and raised his eyes early and asked
I’ll call her now! Ma Dudu hurriedly went upstairs to shout Qiao Shengyan.
Dugujue took Qiao Chengyan back to her room in the middle of the night last night, while he sat by the bed and watched the woman all night.
Qiao Chengyan just woke up and looked at her room at the moment. Last night, she dreamed of watching the stars with Dugujue. She was giggling and saw Ma Dudu running in at first sight.
Emperor Yan Yan Dugu personally came to make breakfast for us. Do you smell the fragrance? Ma Dudu took Qiao Shengyan and pushed him into the bathroom. Hurry up and brush your teeth and wash your face. If you don’t come, the food will be cold.
Qiao Chengyan had to wash his face and brush his teeth quickly and changed his clothes.
Dugujue has been waiting for them at the dinner table.
Qiao Shengyan got up early, her face was red and her eyes were bright. She glanced at Du Gujue shyly. She sat opposite him and took a look. Ma Dudu took out his mobile phone and sent a WeChat to Du Gujue. Didn’t you go back?
The phone rang, and I didn’t want to check it, but as soon as I saw Qiao Shengyan winking at him, I pretended as if nothing had happened. I picked up the phone and opened it, and I saw Qiao Shengyan WeChat.
I want to watch you leave after breakfast! Du Gujue quickly returned to WeChat.
Qiao Shengyan bowed his head and smiled shyly at the news of Du Gujue, and immediately picked up a spoon and slowly drank delicious porridge.
Ma Dudu looked at two people’s eyes and kept pressing the phone to know what was going on. She was reluctant to take a look at the full table of breakfast, caressing and eating half of her stomach, and made great determination to get up. Yan Yan, I’m going to prepare. You eat slowly and we will leave in half an hour!
Qiao Chengyan zheng looked at Ma Dudu plate didn’t finish breakfast can’t help but say how did you eat so little? Have some more!
I lose weight! Ma Dudu made an excuse to go upstairs quickly.
At DuGuJue Qiao Chengyan turned around and couldn’t help laughing.
Breakfast was calm and warm to prevent paparazzi from taking pictures of Qiao Shengyan and Ma Dudu, leaving the villa for an hour before Wolf came to pick him up.
On the way to the crew, Qiao Shengyan personally drove to open the packaged food for Ma Dudu to eat.
Ma Dudu immediately cheered and gave Qiao Chengyan a good kiss.
Qiao Shengyan laughed gently.
After three days of filming, Qiao Shengyan finally got a week off.
Early in the morning, Qiao Shengyan stuffed her backpack into the back seat and prepared to drive to the fourperson villa to meet them.
Yan Yan really don’t I go? But I don’t trust you. What should you do? Ma Dudu asked reluctantly.
He will take care of me if I have DuGuJue! Qiao Shengyan said that now she is used to relying on Du Gujue aboveboard.
Ma Dudu nodded and watched Qiao Chengyan leave.
Qiao Chengyan’s car just left the villa, and suddenly a man rushed out of the roadside and stopped Qiao Chengyan’s car.
Hey! As soon as Qiao Chengyan quickly stepped on the brakes and looked up, he saw a figure quickly opening her door and getting out of the car.
Are you … cold? To see the man Qiao Chengyan surprised stare big eyes.
Drive! A cold fat low said
Qiao Chengyan didn’t react when he saw three or four men in black coming towards her car.
Qiao Chengyan quickly stepped on the accelerator and rushed out to dump the black dress person behind him.
Cold, what are you … Qiao Chengyan saw that he had completely dumped those people and asked quickly.

07/23/2024 admin

Of course, they are all my official girlfriends. How can they not learn my martial arts? They are not afraid to tell you that Yao Jie, like Gongyang, can easily get light snow by herself, and now she can also work hard to condense the aura of heaven and earth by herself. Jiao Yi nods.

Qin Siyu felt deeply frustrated and said, Don’t they all listen to it twice so hard that they can remember this mantra?
Jiao Yi laughed and shook his head. How can you honestly remember this method after listening to it twice? I don’t know who else can do it except a talented sunshine handsome guy like me.
Qin Siyu turned a supercilious look contemptuously. She didn’t believe that Jiao Yi could remember the hard way by listening to it twice.
Suddenly Qin Siyu glared at Jiao Yi with a full face of anger. You bastard!
Qin Siyu said that changing his face means changing his face. Jiao Yi simply has a short circuit of thinking and feels surprised. Yi Siyu who made you angry again?
Qin Siyu snorted bitterly and ignored Jiao Yi with a cold face.
JiaoYi you partial mind rain angry consequences are very serious Hannah Hsu a face of schadenfreude tunnel.
I am eccentric. How am I eccentric? Jiao Yi’s face was full of wonder.
Keep pretending Hannah Hsu flat nose contemptuously Let me ask you, since you said no one can listen twice, just remember Gongxin method. How did President Wen and Vice President Qin learn your martial arts?
Jiao Yi Zheng Hannah Hsu continued to criticize. Isn’t it President Wen that they are all your official girlfriends? How many times have you told them about the rain? You deliberately made it difficult for us to say what you want. If you can’t remember it twice, you will pull Jiao Yi down. Although you just looked more obscene than Brother Pig, I believe your heart is pure, but I didn’t expect you to be so insidious.
Jiao Yi was dumbfounded and followed thousands of grass mud horses. His heart was racing. You girls were crowded by the door and didn’t even know the phone recording. In turn, you bit me and poured dirty 夜生活网 water on me.
There is also a big grass that is more wretched than Brother Pig:
Chapter 423 elder brother don’t you when!
Qin Siyu and Shi Ning looked at Jiao Yi as if questioning Jiao Yi What do you have to say?
Jiao Yi’s grievance in his heart really wants to arrest these three girls and spank them. Although you are still my prospective girlfriends, when have I ever been eccentric?
In order to learn martial arts sisters, I put together Hannah Hsu gritted his teeth just like the prisoners who are about to be sent to the execution ground Siyu and Ning Ya, you keep your innocence first, and I will teach you slowly when I learn Gu Wu’s art
Hannah Hsu said and turned to Jiao Yi with a look of don’t you just want to touch your chest and ass? Come on, I won’t go to hell.
Jiao Yi’s heart moved, and this girl suddenly got over it.
But I heard Hannah Hsu gnash her teeth and added, Just be touched by a ghost.
Jiao Yi froze, his hands froze, and he wiped his face. At least he is your prospective boyfriend. Even if you are executed on the spot, it’s no big deal. It’s just a matter of touching your chest and ass. Is it worthwhile to curse elder brother?
But Jiao Yi was really happy to come to Yunzhou Road, Hannah Hsu. This girl opened her mouth and shut up. Even three or four Jiao Yi doubted whether she had missed her eyes, but now it seems that this female rascal is conservative in her mouth.
That’s good, because a handsome guy like me who is pure and sunny is also a conservative.
See jiao yi didn’t move Hannah Hsu eyes closed and said, in order to practice peerless martial arts, this is my voluntary sacrifice. If you want to touch it, just touch it. Don’t mention it.
Jiao Yi sighed and walked up to Xu Ying’s way. Well, since you begged me so hard, I have to give you a few minutes to refuse the girl’s request. It’s very impolite, but let’s talk about it first. Even if you touched me, I will say it again.
Hearing Jiao Yi’s words, Xu Ying suddenly opened his eyes. When he saw Jiao Yi’s talons ten centimeters away from his chest, he screamed with fear, stepped back and shouted Stop it.
Hey, don’t you let me touch you? What are you hiding from? Jiao Yi literally stared.
You, you can touch it for you, but after you touch me, I will be your official girlfriend. You have to say a few more times to practice the mind method until I remember it. Hannah Hsu bit his lip.
No Jiao Yi shook his head without hesitation Gu Wu Xin Fa said twice that this is my Jenny’s rule
Hannah Hsu grunted, You still said you weren’t biased. Didn’t you teach President Wen and them the method twice?
You also said that no one can remember it after listening to it twice.
I didn’t say that. A genius like me needs to listen to it twice to remember it.
Hannah Hsu almost went crazy. You told President Wen and them twice that they couldn’t even remember the method, so what martial arts did they practice?
It’s very simple. They listened to the recording of my telepathy for a dozen or twenty times and remembered it. Jiao Yi understated the tunnel.
Qin Siyu, they all froze, but the mobile phone recorded the method. Why didn’t you say that you were cheating?
Leng for two seconds later, the three women quickly pulled out their mobile phones, called up the recording program and aimed it at Jiao Yi.
This time, Jiao Yi said that the speed was slightly accelerated when practicing the center method. In less than twenty minutes, Qin Siyu and all three of them entered the center method into their mobile phones.
Then three people will thoroughly JiaoYi air side selfcare playing the phone recording.
The memory of these three people is really poor. After midnight, Qin Siyu and Shi Ningya barely remembered the center method, but it would be impossible for them to run the center method smoothly. Hannah Hsu remembered it even worse. Later, it was messed up, especially when she heard Qin Siyu and Shi Ningya remember her. She was even more impatient and remembered it at sixes and sevens.
I don’t remember, I don’t remember, my sisters’ brain cells are almost killed, and then I will go to sleep now. Hannah Hsu stretched himself and yawned with a tired face.

07/22/2024 admin

However, Lv Xining didn’t know what happened this day. No one paid attention to the desk after class. When he was named back, he lost his mind and said that he had no appetite at noon.

Lingxiquan hesitated when she passed Feng Meilan’s office after eating, and went in and told the teacher that she wanted to make up lessons. The other party was surprised and gratified, and she finally let it go.
One day passed quickly, and it was raining very fast every day. In the evening, the wind was cold. As soon as school was over, Lv Xining ran away and disappeared without even waiting for Diqin. She walked slowly to the school gate with an umbrella alone. Suddenly, she remembered the scene of Ye Qingting holding the same umbrella with herself on the day of the storm and heavy rain.
She tightened her school coat and heard Diqin calling her name behind her.
What’s the matter? She looked back at the door of the experimental building and waved to herself anxiously. She trotted over in disbelief and pattered on the wet ground.
Di Qin saw her coming with an umbrella in his hand, and quickly took an umbrella for her and then grabbed her arm and said, I know you may think I’m wrong, and I hope I’m wrong, but I seem to really see it and I’m sure I’m not.
Stop Lingxiquan interrupted her What’s the matter? You’re so nervous
I just seem to see Lv Xining follow Xie You into here She took a deep breath and pointed to the inside and said.
Follow Xie You Lingxi Spring leng. Hundreds of people may start to turn in my mind, but it is quick to react. Follow it and follow it. What are you doing with so many people?
The key is Di Qin hesitated for a pedal The key is that when I was in my building, I saw her at the entrance of the teaching building and waited for her. As a result, I left behind Yin Junyu and Ye Qingting. I followed Xie You and Nie Sihe here and just came from the opposite side. A few people didn’t look good. Xie You went to the experimental building. As a result, Lv Xining followed up.
After listening to Di Qin say so much in one breath, Ling Xiquan tried to digest what she said. Do you mean they are all in there now?
Lv Xining shouldn’t be so nervous, right? She didn’t understand.
She is the only girl among so many boys, aren’t you worried? Di Qin hated iron to produce. Besides, it’s my responsibility for her and Xie You to get into this. Can I not be nervous? Although Xie You’s personality has passed for a few days, I’m afraid he will settle accounts after the autumn.;
Chapter 65 Chaper 45
What do you say? Lingxi Quanshi didn’t think Xie You would do anything to Lv Xining, but Diqin was worried for the best, and she didn’t refute it.
You accompany me to go in and have a look. Dickens looked around, and the students walked with umbrellas in a hurry. No one noticed that she couldn’t help pulling her arm and pointed inside.
Eavesdropping again?
Remember yesterday, she still has some shadows in her heart. She doesn’t want to be discovered by Ye Qingting as a girl with divination, but at the same time, she heard that boys are eager here, and curiosity rose again. She didn’t resist together, and Di Qin took her and went in together.
On rainy days, the light is dim and gloomy. There are several night lights on campus, and the light shines in and faintly brightens the corridor view.
I walked around the first floor and found no trace of Lv Xining and them. Diqin gave a strange sigh: They shouldn’t go out through the back door here, should they?
Qiwang w w w q i s u w a n g
Why don’t you go home and ask her in qq at night? I don’t know when to find it. I walked around Lingxi Spring and my curiosity calmed down. I looked at the sky that was gradually being swallowed up by darkness.
This Di Qin hesitated a little unwilling but it’s not good for her to be a girl so late and don’t know where she went.
If she is willing to follow you, don’t worry too much. Why did Lingxi Quannai suddenly feel that Dickens was far more curious about Lv Xining’s reasons than about her heart?
Well, Di Qin followed her out of the experimental building or walked out of the school gate in a few steps. Ling Xiquan looked at her with a distracted look and told her not to walk home with an umbrella.
Night falls quietly.
It’s a lie to say that I’m not curious about Lv Xining, Xie You and Yin Junyu. I keep imagining what might happen to them in my mind. Her mind is constantly glancing at the gray head of qq tonight.
Why isn’t Lv Xining online?
She was distracted writing about how many times the friend line in her brain woke up the stereo.
She quickly threw away the pen and opened it to see if it was not Lv Xining.
Ye Qingting is gone.
Di Qin said that he and Nie Shihe went to his line together. Does that mean that Lu Xining also went home?
She was a little uncertain. She touched Ba and suddenly her heart moved.
Didn’t you want to take the initiative yesterday? Didn’t you sign up for math tutoring? Isn’t this a good time?
So Lu Xining was spa会所 mixed with a little eye. She clicked on the dialog box and pondered it for a long time, sending a message to the boy.
I’m Qing Ye Ting. Are you home?
The boy gave her a message soon.
Qing Ye court. Yeah.
What happened to Ye Qingting?
Did my Lv Xining go home?

07/21/2024 admin

Now he is so hateful.

Gu Weiwei’s back is straight and her teeth are tightly bitten. She will definitely make him regret it.
Mom, don’t be sad. Let’s go! Gu held Jiang Hui’s arm slightly and walked slowly forward.
Jiang Hui’s face is tears. I really didn’t expect your father to be so cruel. He didn’t treat me as a wife all along. He always guarded me. He was filled with inflammation and good philosophy all along.
Mom, stop it. Since he’s leaving, he doesn’t want a dime from us. Gu bit his teeth slightly and said.
No, I’m not willing. Jiang Hui shook his head and his eyes were unwilling. I’ve been with him for so many years, and I will never be driven out by him for nothing. It’s not that easy for him to drive me away.
Jiang Hui wiped away her tears and recovered her calm. Her eyes fell on Gu Wei. Go and tell your father that there is a marriage certificate. I can’t go to the Civil Affairs Bureau at home today.
Gu glanced at Jiang Hui slightly. What about Mom?
Even if you are not yourself, I want you to fight for it. Jiang Hui snapped.
Gu frowned slightly and picked it. Mom, I don’t want you. I fight for it. I don’t want him a dime.
Why are you so stupid? Why doesn’t Jiang Hui feel like herself at all? Why didn’t she know she was fighting for it? That’s what she deserves. Gu Wenyu should give it.
Gu sipped her lips slightly and bowed her head silently, not talking. Loosen Jiang Hui and walk towards Gu Wenyu.
My parents said they didn’t take the marriage certificate, Gu said to Gu Wenyu slightly 桑拿 lower.
Section 14
Gu Wenyu paused with a cold face, glanced back at Jiang Hui and said, Then go home!
hmm! Gu slightly low well a stop and looked back at Jiang Hui mom and dad said we go home
Jiang Hui didn’t say anything. Gu Weiyu went home with a long face.
As soon as he got home, Gu Wenyu said to Jiang Hui, who was changing shoes, Where did you put the marriage certificate? Find out in the afternoon and we’ll go.
Gu Wenyu, do you want to kick me out like this? Jiang Hui put the bag in slippers and went to Gu Wenyu. You said that the room was given to me by my parents, but you just wanted to send me away without giving me a dime.
What do you mean? Gu Wenyu looked at Jiang Hui with a cold face.
All the property after marriage is our husband and wife’s joint property. Jiang Hui snorted. I deserve half.
You are dead this heart! I won’t give you a dime. Gu Wenyu got up and glared at Jiang Hui angrily. Soon Jiang Huiyi was thrown out of the bedroom by Gu Wenyu.
You take things away Gu Wenyu sound out of the bedroom.
Jiang Hui was so angry that her tears dropped and she trembled all over. She sat down and looked at this. This is when she found a man who loved you and didn’t love you.
After looking for a man, you must polish your eyes and don’t be like your mother. Jiang Hui sat down and cried. What did I get after working so hard in this family?
Gu Weiwei hasn’t talked since she took the door. She looks at Gu Wenyu and Jiang Hui like an outsider.
If Gu Wenyu’s coldness and ruthlessness make her chilling, Jiang Hui’s hysteria makes her unacceptable and bored.
Silently turned around and opened the door slightly, and went out, crying and crying. Home was no longer like home.
Gu slightly went out holding his arm and squatted in the corner and began to sob.
Looking back from her kidnapping to her rescue, Wen Yu and Jiang Hui didn’t have anyone to comfort her. They kept complaining and blaming her for being stupid and embarrassing them to go out and meet people.
Gu Wei shed more and more tears and finally burst into tears.
Qiqi yard Yan Qiqi and Fu Ze Yan Jingyuan and his wife Wang Lei have arrived at Fu Yuhua and Yang Qiangang, and the two families started chatting as soon as they sat down at the door.
One hates to marry and the other hates to marry with Qingcheng Mountain. After casually asking about the situation, everyone knows a few words, and the wedding date is set according to Yan Qi’s date, the ninth day of the month.
It’s just that this day is a little tight and I’m afraid I won’t be prepared to be wronged by Qi Qi. Yang Qian sent out a sigh of emotion
Auntie, Fu Ze and I agreed that everything in our wedding should be simple and not too complicated. Yan Qiqi and Fu Ze just pushed the door and heard Yang Qian dialect and said with a smile.
You are qi qi? Come and sit in front of my aunt. Yang Qian got up at the sight of Yan Qiqi and took Yan Qiqi to sit down.
What a beautiful girl. If you don’t tell her age, you can’t guess that she is three years older than Fu Ze.
Three years old, good girl, three years old, holding the golden brick, and saying that being bigger will hurt people. Yang Qian likes Yan Qiqi more and more.
Fu Zelai sit here Yan Jingyuan waved at Fu Zezhao.
Although Fu Ze felt a little uncomfortable, he obediently sat down beside Jing Yuan.
Wang Lei looks at her motherinlaw and her soninlaw. The more she looks at her, the more she likes it. The doctor is a good job. This Fu Ze is a man who can’t walk well with lanterns. He didn’t expect to be his soninlaw one day.
Wang Lei’s heart has long been happy.
Is it hard to be a doctor? Wang Lei looked at Fu Ze with a smile on his face.
Well, it’s not hard. Fu Ze pushed a pair of glasses and smiled at Wang Lei.
He always has a feeling that he wants to run away when he is physically challenged.
Fu Xiong, you have raised a good son! Yan Jingyuan looked at Fu Ze and sent a sigh to Fu Yuhua, Our family is also the highs.
Brother Yan, what does this mean? It’s Fu Zefu who can marry a daughterinlaw like Qiqi.

07/20/2024 admin

This is the place where Wen Bin said he had been before Luofan.

Every focal wing has been carefully inspected. There are places where there is no disposal condition, and some places have been mined. Without places, they still maintain their original features and natural disposal conditions, but after investigation by focal wings, there is no Mao array method.
Jiao Yi was depressed when he came back from Huqiaogou. If you know that he has searched for all the places he has been, he will still find one in the past few days. Do you really want to search the towns around Yunyun one by one in the most stupid way?
Jiao Yi can cast a net all over the sky without other clues, but it will take a lot of time. Jiao Yi still has to ask if there is any other place in Wen Bin.
When I returned to Wen Bin’s villa, it was getting late. As soon as Jiao Yi entered the living room, she found two strange faces.
Wen Bin side slightly restrained is a young couple both in their early thirties.
The man has short hair, is not very tall and has a strong figure; The female looks beautiful and the figure is good. She can get high marks in Jiao’s scoring standard. Of course, her temperament is worse than Wen Wan Ling Bing’s.
Yo, there’s a guest coming. Jiao Yi wants to ask Wen Bin about where Master Luofan has been, but he has to talk nonsense about strangers.
As soon as the young couple got up, the young woman’s round eyes looked at Jiao Yishen with excitement. You must be Mr. Jiao Yijiao, right?
Er, I’m Jiao Yi, and I haven’t asked. Jiao Yi was a little surprised to see that the couple’s posture seems to be so famous for coming to find their brother around the cloud.
It’s really Luo Fandi. The young woman interrupted Jiao Yi with more excitement and hesitated a little. She still held out her hand at Jiao Yi. Hello, Mr. Jiao, my name is Fang. This is my husband Wang Dafa, and I am a classmate of your master Luo Fan’s junior high school.
Ah, hello, hello, just call me Xiao Yi, or you can just call me by my name. When Fang is a classmate of Master Jiao Yi’s, he will always show more respect for her old friend involuntarily.
Fang’s husband, Wang Dafa, shook his head again and again, saying, Mr. Jiao can’t do that. Mr. Luo is not Fangfang’s classmate or her savior, but also my savior.
After saying a few words, Wang Dafa was not as stiff as before, and then said, I went to other places with Fangfang. I just got back today and heard that Mr. Jiao is coming. We have to come and meet him later.
Jiao Yi finally came to Yanbo Village in vain, and no one bothered him for several days. How could Wang Dafa suddenly visit them today? It turned out that Master had saved their lives.
However, it was Master’s kindness to others. I can’t just put on airs with Master, but I was polite to Wang Dafa for a while. They refused to change their words and remained a Mr. Jiao.
Jiao Yinai had to change the topic Wang Shu, what did you say about my master saving his life for you and your great aunt?
Wang Dafa and Fang’s faces were deeply grateful, and their eyes were slightly red.
It turns out that Fang suffered from uremia in those years, and the provincial capital hospital removed both kidneys, but Fang couldn’t wait to die without matching the kidney source.
It’s also when Fang Ming shouldn’t leave home and Wang Dafa have to prepare Fang’s funeral. Luo Fan returned to Huanyun Town and heard that Fang Ming was dying to magically find a matching kidney source. What’s even more amazing is that he changed Fang’s kidney without even going to the hospital directly.
At that time, Wang Dafa and Fang were newly married. If Fang died, it would be a fatal blow to him. He said that Luo Fanfang’s rescuer was also his rescuer.
Master Luo Fan’s medical skills are anxious because he feels that his personal strength may not be as good as that of his girlfriends after the opening of the posterior hidden vein, but he should always be on a par with Master in medical skills.
It’s not surprising that Suo Wang Dafa said that Luo Fan gave Fang a kidney transplant and Jiao Yi alone.
However, Jiao Yi was anxious to know from Wen Bin where Master had been. When she didn’t have time to talk to Wang Dafa, it was quite perfunctory. Aunt Wang, this is a good thing for you.
Wang Dafa is a straightforward person, and he is not as entangled as Luo Fan’s rescue of Fang. Instead, he asked, Mr. Jiao, where did you go when you came back after dark?
Jiao Yi was impatient, but both Wang Dafa were old friends of Master, and he also had to answer, I went to Tiger Bridge Gully to see it for a while and came back late.
Wings, he is very concerned about the places where the former Luo brothers have been, and he wants to see them. Wen Bin interjected a little sigh in his tone, But Tiger Bridge Ditch is the last place.
Obviously, Wen Bin means that Jiao Yi has seen the place where Luo Fan has been, and it is estimated that he will leave Yanbo Village in the next day.
Wang Dafa’s two glances both saw luck from each other’s eyes. If they came back one day late, wouldn’t they see their savior’s brother?
Suddenly Wang Dafa seemed to think of something and asked, Mr. Jiao, have you been to the Trident River?:
Chapter 19 New clues ()
Trident River Jiao Yi shook his head and looked at Wen Bin.
The Trident River is the junction of Sichuan, southern Xinjiang and Qianzhou provinces, and the scenery is still good. It also has a louder name called the Three Provinces of Bird Singing. Wen Bin is a native of Huanyun Town and knows the Trident River very well.
Jiao Yi was secretly disappointed to hear Wen Bin’s tone. Master should not have been to the Trident River, and he was not interested.
The best scenic spot around Yunzhen is the Trifork River. I heard that the town has been approved by the city, and it will start to develop the Trifork River next year, turning the three provinces of birdsong into the tourism signboard of Qingning County. Mr. Jiao, it’s a pity that you seldom come around Yunzhen once, if you don’t go to Trifork River, Fang strongly recommended.
She has always been deeply grateful for saving her life. Unfortunately, after Luofan cured her of uremia, she never saw Luofan again. Now her rescuer’s brother has come to Fang. Of course, I hope Jiao Yi can stay around Yunzhen for more time.
Jiao Yi shook his head lightly and declined. Auntie, I came to Huanyun Town this time not to travel, but to see Master’s former residence and then walk around the places where Master had been.
Mr. Luo has been to the local Trifork River. Wang Dafa suddenly said.
Jiao Yi Zheng looked at Wen Bin.
It’s not that he doesn’t believe Wang Dafa’s master Luo Fan. Since he has been to the Trident River, how can he not tell himself?
The Trident River is the westernmost part of 桑拿按摩 Huanyun Town. Your master should have gone to Trident River when he was in junior high school. At that time, I was already in college, and I don’t know if Brother Luo had been to Trident River. Wen Bin explained.

07/19/2024 admin

But Chu Yifeng didn’t care what he called it, but shouted directly, Tell Gu Mingxia that old ghost to come out!

bold! How presumptuous! Don’t you call the name of the hall master at will! Aha fix true person swaggering just said Chu Yifeng had long been tired of hearing a swift ling finger shoot and directly dropped the talkative fix true person with a twitch!
Another fix true person dared not say much when he saw that the situation was not good, regardless of his companion’s fear, saying, If you want to see Feng Wanying, please come to the hanging mountain!
With this, the fixtrue man fled back to the hanging mountain.
Now we can listen to them. Let’s go in, said Feng Qian Shan Nai.
Wait! Chu Yifeng suddenly said, If we enter the hanging mountain, everything will be decided by them. In case they have tricks, we will fight back. It is also possible that we will not save Wan Ying, but we will build ourselves inside. We can’t go in like this.
What do you want?
Break his guardian array first! ChuYifeng cold eyes staring at the front fingertips flashing light began to pinch tactic …
Congratulations on the China men’s basketball team’s victory. I’m very excited about you, and I’m still here! Say thank you very much. Thank you

135 who is in charge
Gu Mingxia’s left arm has been repaired in the main hall of the Hanging Mountain Green Magic Hall. It is obviously borrowed from someone else and put it on 约茶资源 his shoulder. But at this time, it is extremely pale, without a trace of blood, and there are still some things that are not very effective and some are hanging down.
There is a poisonous color in his eyes, and his eyebrows are slightly wrinkled and he is not happy, but his eyes are fixed on Liu Yangshen.
Liu Yangshi was not much better. His ten devil’s claw array was bombarded by Chu Yifeng’s lightning, and he almost died. In the thunder, most of the thunder attacks were blocked by the protective jade charm, and he barely saved his life. At that time, his roots did not dare to show up and sacrificed a piece of breath to hide the breath. Only then did Chu Yifeng sneak back while he was unprepared, and he came to hope that Pinghuan could avenge him. But later I heard that Pinghuan was actually killed by Chu Yifeng’s thunder!
Liu Yang didn’t know that Pinghuan was caused by the apocalypse. During the robbery, he heard people say that Pinghuan was a dead thunder, so naturally Pinghuan’s death was counted as Chu Yifeng’s head.
But now Liu Yang and Gu Mingxia have hostages in their hands, so they decide that Lifeng Wanying will get the Dragon Ball and get rid of Chu Yifeng at the same time.
This Gu Mingxia ordered early to open the large array of ice demons in the Green Magic Hall! He felt that as soon as Chu Yifeng and Feng Qian Shan entered the ice magic array, he moved the law to stop them first and then he could do whatever he wanted.
So when Chu Yifeng Mountain shouted, Gu Mingxia sat firmly in the hall and waited for Chu Yifeng and Feng Qian Shan to join the battle. They felt that there were Feng Wanying hostages Chu Yifeng and Feng Qian Shan who dared not listen to them.
Just as they were thinking about waiting to torture Chu Yifeng, Liu Yang was unusually sensitive and felt the change of aura outside. He was too familiar with this change because he had experienced it twice and almost died twice.
And it is Chu Yifeng’s magic formula that causes this kind of aura change between heaven and earth!
Liu Yang Gu Mingxia rushed out of the hall just in time to see the dark clouds rolling in the sky, and the energy reiki poured into the dark clouds, which contained flashes of thunder and lightning!
Gu Mingxia looked at the dark clouds hanging over the whole mountain and suddenly understood what Chu Yifeng wanted to do and rushed to the gate. At the same time, his mouth also shouted, Chu Yifeng, don’t you dare lead thunder to attack me, I promise …
It’s a pity that Chu Yifeng didn’t listen to Gu Mingxia finish Gu Mingxia’s side talk, and it was covered by thunder roar. Chu Yifeng’s fingers led for nine days, and the dark clouds were churning with a thunderbolt, which poured out like a bolt from the sky, but the large array of guardians of the Green Devil Hall in the hanging mountain showed its ability at this time. A whole piece of blackgray mask thunder bombardment showed that it looked like a big pot cover, completely guarding the top of the hanging mountain.
However, Chu Yifeng obviously didn’t want to see the appearance of the ice magic seal array, but his fingers led the lightning to bombard continuously. At this time, Chu Yifeng had already broken through the green lightning period, which made it easy to lead the lightning, and the energy consumed by his mind was much less than before, so the lightning turned into a thunderstorm!
With the ice magic, the array will be strong again, and the number of thunder days will become as easily broken as paper. Gu Mingxia and Liu Yang arranged many traps, but there is no such thing as hanging mountain buildings. Most of them have been blown up by thunder days, which is not much better than the Xuanyi medical station at this time.
Cao Mo didn’t say a word. Chu Yifeng watched all this calmly behind him until Chu Yifeng blasted the top of the mountain. Cao Mo’s face remained calm as usual, and he secretly praised This is small enough!
The real Chu Yifeng has his own plans and ideas. Since the Green Magic Hall has taken refuge in the Liuhua Family, it should be a big power to be the masterthe Liuhua Family is more concerned with the fire dragon and the spirit ball, and he will not attract too much dissatisfaction from the Liuhua Family.
Sure enough, Liu Yang didn’t show up without saying a word when he saw that the Green Magic Hall was bombarded.
However, Gu Mingxia was in a hurry because the cousins of the Green Devil obviously couldn’t stay hanging on the top of the mountain, otherwise they would be killed by lightning. Looking at the cousins who were in a mess and rushed from the mountain, Gu Mingxia immediately waved to bring Feng Wanying without letting Chu Yifeng and Feng Qian Shan enter any ice magic to seal the array.
At this time, Feng Wanying was obviously imprisoned, with a white suit full of stains and no vitality. Like a puppet, she turned a blind eye to Chu Yifeng and Feng Qian Shan. Looking at the cave in front of her eyes, Chu Yifeng couldn’t help but think that Thorn Star was arrested by Liu Yang to fix the truth. At this moment, Feng Wanying seems to be arrested by people.
Seeing Feng Wanying’s appearance, Chu Yifeng’s mind was in a hurry thinking about countermeasures, and his brow was tightly knit. If Feng Wanying’s soul was detained, the whole thing would be much more difficult. It is uncertain whether he can save Feng Wanying.
So I stopped at once. Although the dark clouds are slowly spreading and showing signs of disappearing, they are full of deterrence like being able to get up at any time.
At the same time, Qian Shan, the first few steps of Chu Yifeng, shouted the name of Feng Wanying Wanying, Wanying …
However, Feng Wanying’s eyes were always dull without saying a word, and Chu Yifeng was even more convinced that he guessed that Feng Wanying should have been detained by a Chinese aristocratic family.
Chu Yifeng, you killed my son Tianpeng, and today you destroyed my green magic hall resident. I want you to blood out, and now your horse will be scrapped or my horse will kill Feng Wanying! Gu Mingxia gnashed her teeth and said
Hum if I don’t? What can you do with me? Chu Yifeng obviously doesn’t want to be at the mercy of Gu Mingxia. Chu Yifeng has seen many such scenes. Of course, all of them are in Hong Kong movies. If you really abandon the repair, you will lose the other party’s asking price. Not only can you be slaughtered by the other party, but you will also put yourself in the law of the jungle. This is especially true when it comes to the law of the jungle. If you don’t have selfprotection and look at other people’s faces, you will not be far from death.
Want to kill chicken wan ying you dare? Have you lost your mind? Chu Yifeng unceremoniously satirized Gu Mingxia’s fear of Gu Mingxia’s threat. Let’s call you out. You dog can’t do anything but bark.
Don’t I dare not kill her. I’ll cut off her arm first! Gu Mingxia some hysterical crazy Shouting.
Gu Mingxia! If you dare to touch my daughter, I will never let you go. At this time, Feng Qian Shan also abandoned the elegant state and threatened each other with anger.
But Gu Mingxia still reached out to Feng Wanying’s shoulder, and the black mans surged through the body and seemed to pull her shoulder.
Stop it! Just as Gu Mingxia’s hand and Chu Yifeng and Qian Shan were extremely nervous, Liu Yangyin came from Hangshan.
You’re not dead yet! Chu Yifeng was slightly surprised in his heart that Liu Yang had already died in the thunder.

136 bullying
Liu Yanggen doesn’t care about Gu Tianpeng’s death, let alone whether to avenge Gu Tianpeng or not. Even if the green magic hall dies, he doesn’t care at all. Even if the green magic hall is killed with a door full, it is just one of the most peripheral attachment forces for the Liuhua family, and it doesn’t take long for the small forces to lose anything. Liu Yang’s heart is a dragon ball. If Gu Mingxia kills Feng Wanying, what will he take to threaten Feng Qian Shan and how can he exchange it for the dragon ball in Feng Qian Shan’s hand?
If the whole green magic hall is exchanged for a fire dragon ball, Liu Yang will definitely give up the green magic hall directly, and only when he gets the fire dragon ball can he get credit for a master’s competition will he add a heavy sum.
How could Liu Yang let Gu Mingxia’s personal vendetta affect his great event? So he stopped hiding his figure and went directly across from Chu Yifeng and stopped Gu Mingxia from hurting Feng Wan Ying Hang.
You’re not dead yet? Chu Yifeng’s cold eyes were full of silver and blue flashing eyes staring at Liu Yang intensely, because everything around Chu Yifeng seemed to be caused by Liu Yang.
Hum, it’s not that easy to want me to die. You will be a natural enemy with a few hand grenades. Hey, now I have not caught your weakness. If you have something, you can do it again … Liu Yang’s villain smiled as evil as success, but his face was always smiling, but it made people feel more like an evil spirit.
Now Liu Yang is pulling Feng Wanying’s hand to block the front, which is to use her as a shield. Now there is no Pinghuan, the master who sits in Liu Yang. Although there are hostages, he still feels uneasy. He holds Feng Wanying tightly in his hand for fear of any sudden attack on Chu Yifeng.
Chu Yifeng urged the gods to keep sweeping around Liu Yang. It seems that he should see through Liu Yang and stare at him with great impatience.
Chu Yifeng, don’t explore the gods any more. Now listen to Gu Zhangmen’s words and selfrepair, or I will directly destroy Feng Wanying’s body! Liu Yang’s eyes are somewhat playful, and the meaning is very obvious. It is to see Chu Yifeng as a decisive choice
Chu Yifeng stared coldly at Liu Yang’s divinity, and still surrounded Liu Yang all the time. Although he knew the consequences of selfabandonment, he had no choice but to think for a long time and said, Will you let Wan Ying go after I selfabandonment?
Ha … Liu Yang laughed wildly. What do you say?
You didn’t want to let Wan Ying go! Chu Yifeng’s abnormal anger body Lei Ying’s anger spread suddenly, and his eyes widened. Around Lei Ying, a dense thunder flashed. In Chu Yifeng’s body, tiny thunder began to flash out, and a spark burst from time to time in the deep blue!
You can see that there is no soul in this wonderful body. Liu Yang casually appeared a sapphire slip in his hand. You have no choice but to listen to me here. Maybe I will let her go as soon as I am happy, otherwise Feng Wanying will die!
good! Chu Yifeng said mercilessly, I hope you keep your promise.
Said Chu Yifeng raised his right hand, and the light in his right hand flashed silver and blue, reflecting his face and face decisively, but his eyes looked at Feng Wanying with warmth.

07/18/2024 admin

Glass cabin Li Ling opened his eyes and his eyes were covered with ink, which looked more evil than meaning.

I don’t believe in evil.
magic charm of town
A dark yellow character grain suddenly sticks to the subtle light of Li Ling’s forehead character grain edge.
Ho ho ho
Li Ling’s body broke into waves full of violent growls, as if his body had bred a vicious devil.
Eat my blood and occupy the sea of my consciousness Li Ling growled with a ferocious face. Then let me kill you first.
With three thousand jins of blood injected into Li Ling, he took a deep breath and Hua Xuan’s true qi flowed hard.
Bitter pain
Li Ling felt that his bones were constantly crushed and then returned to eternity.
The same is true of muscles, which are visible to the naked eye, decay rapidly and begin to heal themselves again.
In this repeated situation, Li Ling’s body slowly began to fuse with the demon serum.
Capillary devil’s serum seems to have melted, and the devil is constantly devouring red blood.
Suddenly, the blood shakes violently and turns into a spear with a handle to stab the ferocious demon.
Consciousness sea Li Ling figure appeared in a white robe, hands hanging down, happy and sad.
Opposite Li Ling, a demon wriggled slowly with his feet on the sky above his head
But the demon’s huge head is stuck with a tiny dark yellow symbol to bind it in place.
Now I really still can’t fuse the devil serum.
Li Ling corners of the mouth with a wry smile. If the other body occupies the dominant position, then he is no longer Li Ling.
Chapter 747 Superbody Road!
The consciousness transformed by the violent spirit of the devil serum is like an insurmountable magic mountain. As you have read this chapter: reading the new Chinese novel ы qi.
Li Ling looked at the shadowy shadow that covered the sun and a trace of despair rose in his heart.
Master, don’t despair, don’t despair. Wan Ku Bai Ling felt that Li Ling’s consciousness was gradually falling into a deep sleep and he was anxious.
At the same time, Li Ling’s body was further transformed.
Covered with black fluff, the muscles are intertwined, and you can see that they have extremely horrible explosive power.
His blood has turned 90% black
Violent demon serum consciousness is violent.
Although Li Ling’s consciousness is slowly falling into a deep sleep, he has not given up.
The violent spirit of the devil’s serum shocked him. The root method of resistance came from the shock of the soul
But this doesn’t mean that Li Ling is willing to be controlled by the demon serum.
Suddenly Li Ling thought of the study of former Li Xuanhu Nicholas Cage.
Violent serum is just blood, how can it have such a horrible and violent gas?
If we lose external factors, this violent spirit will still be so strong.
What is a hyperbody?
Not seeking heaven and not seeking the earth itself is to explore the treasure of the human body.
According to grandpa Nicholas Cage, once we go beyond physical strength, human beings will not be affected by the earth’s magnetic field and their own magnetic 夜网论坛 field will converge.

07/17/2024 admin

But Chang Sheng did not cater to such speculation.

He chose silence when the media speculated on this topic.
Because he found that history was still moving forward as he knew it, luis garcia returned to Barcelona because of Terry’s excellent performance and then continued to sink.
Now everything is the same, but his seconddivision team has changed. luis garcia Hertha’s role is so important that these others seem to be worthless …
Faced with such a stubborn history, he suddenly developed a sense of strength.
I have no interest in the topic that the media are keen on helping luis garcia return to Barcelona
It seems that his return to Barcelona is definitely not a good thing for luis garcia.
There is no adjustment in Valencia’s tactics in this game, and it is still a mad dog tactic.
However, the personnel have changed slightly.
The strength will definitely drop, but he feels that it will not drop too much.
But the actual situation is not as beautiful as he imagined.
桑拿Barcelona scored a goal at the beginning of the game, which was a blow to Valencia.
However, Valencia quickly launched a counterattack after losing the ball in the winning roar.
Valencia’s offensive ability to score a goal in Barcelona is no problem.
In recent years, Barcelona has been in all kinds of chaos. If Valencia is not out of shape this time, it will definitely be ambitious to beat Barcelona away.
But Chang Sheng soon found that the situation was not quite what he thought.
Valencia’s attack is not as smooth as before …
Guardiola didn’t go to the scene to avoid suspicion. Although he followed the team to Barcelona, he went home.
He watched the game with his family at his home in Barcelona.
When Barcelona scored, the family cheered.
Guardiola also smiled, but he didn’t jump up from his seat and cheer and celebrate like others.
Then he soon calmed down and stared at the screen.
He has now begun to try a coach’s eyes to watch the game.
Valencia will definitely fight back after Barcelona scores.
This is also the case.
But he soon frowned.
Because he found that Valencia’s attack did not show the fluency in training.
He is very clear about this.
Valencia trained him and he knew exactly what Valencia’s attack should be like if it worked properly.
But what Valencia is showing now is different from what he knows.
Changsheng soon found the problem.
It’s like a place where the gear set will jam suddenly when it is running normally.
One, two, three, four will damage the normal operation of the whole gear set in the long run.
The place where something went wrong was Ibrahimovic
Today’s game, Ibrahimovic’s desire seems to be particularly high.
Although Ibrahimovic also had some improvisation in the previous game, it did not affect the overall offensive situation of the team
This game is different.
When the football reaches Ibrahimovic’s feet, Ibrahimovic will start to show his foot skills and tell the audience how delicate his feet are.
But the direct ball opportunity, he insisted on the potential ball and then buckled the football back and chose to pass the opponent.
Even if he really missed the opponent’s chance, he also lost the ability to go out the football sideways or simply return it.
But the ball is nowhere for the team.
In winning tactics, every player has his own position, what they can and can’t do, and what the situation is, which are clearly defined.
It is impossible for Ibrahimovic not to know.
But what Ibrahimovic is showing now is a rhythm of putting tactical discipline behind him.
Always win the game and look straight and frown.
He doesn’t know why Ibrahimovic did it.
In the last few games, Ibrahimovic has always been very obedient, even if he plays ball, he can accept the range
So what happened to him today?